Catawampus Farm, LLC

Catawampus Farm, LLC
Janet R Beardsley
Kevin L Coulter
Minot, ME

Catawampus Farm is located in Minot, Maine. We raise Jacob and CormoX sheep and naturally Colored Angora Goats. The animals produce lovely soft wool and mohair. We shear the goats twice a year, and the sheep each spring. We process the fleece ourselves in our own fiber mill, or have yarns spun at local mills. All of our yarns and spinning fibers are made with hand-selected wool fleeces from our own flock or other small Maine farms.

In 2023, we opened a fiber mill on the farm, offering processing from raw fleece to carded fibers for other small farms and handspinners. While we can make a corespun rug yarn, we do not offer plied yarn spinning services.

We are members of the Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association and the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association.